
Removal of sulfur plugs, also bilateral
€ 16.00

€ 60.00
Shoulder measurement certificate
€ 20.00
Medical Commission for Seafarers
€ 115.00
Seafarers' Medical Commission (for catering workers)
€ 125.00
Drug test
€ 32.00
Physician's conclusion for seafarers' certificates of other countries
€ 22.00

Pressed ceramic crown
€ 600.00
Pressed ceramic onlay (more than 2 surfaces)
€ 550.00
Pressed ceramic veneer
€ 750.00
Surface anesthesia
€ 6.00
STA (Single Tooth Aneasthesia) anesthesia
€ 20.00
Infiltration anesthesia
€ 10.00
Local anesthesia
€ 16.00
Teeth whitening with Philips ZOOM
€ 460.00
Teeth whitening with Philips ZOOM + individual whitening caps and Philips ZOOM teeth whitening kit for home use
€ 560.00
Complicated wisdom tooth extraction
€ 195.00
Abscess opening, drainage
€ 70.00
Removal of stitches
€ 20.00
Gum edge removal
€ 25.00
Single-root tooth extraction
€ 55.00
Follow-up treatment after surgical intervention (alveolitis treatment)
€ 40.00
Premolar extraction
€ 120.00
Molar extraction
€ 160.00
3rd or 4th degree loose tooth extraction
€ 50.00
Complicated extraction by the use of root drilling or splitting
€ 170.00
€ 25.00
Wax for 1 unit
€ 20.00
Mock-up (temporary plates for veneers, all stages)
€ 250.00
Diagnostic formula with wax-up
€ 300.00
Work planning
€ 85.00
Diagnostic impressions
€ 70.00
Diagnostic waxing (185-560 EUR)
€ 560.00
Medical manipulation (0.00-500.00 EUR)
€ 500.00
Patient consultation (as the only manipulation performed)
€ 70.00
Introductory examination for a first-time patient, preparation of documents (included in 4BW)
€ 40.00
Routine patient examination
€ 20.00
Drawing up a treatment plan
€ 100.00
Dental X-ray
€ 10.00
Dentistry for children (milk teeth)
€ 0.00
€ 60.00
Treatment of pulpitis
€ 60.00
Insertion of the filling
€ 70.00
Milk tooth extraction
€ 50.00
Tooth insertion using a compass material on a fiberglass splint
€ 390.00
Composite material onlay
€ 350.00
Precious metal inlay, onlay (additional precious metal costs are calculated)
€ 300.00
Cast metal crown with plastic facet
€ 250.00
Titanium tooth implant (Sweden-Martina)
€ 850.00
Titanium tooth implant (Ankylos)
€ 900.00
Titanium tooth implant (Straumann, Ankylos)
€ 860.00
Titanium tooth implant (ICX Medentis)
€ 750.00
Bone augmentation surgery (600-1000 EUR)
€ 1000.00
Implant exposure with gum formation
€ 90.00
Plate on implants, rod-shaped construction with connections
€ 2500.00
Plate for implants with ball connections (for 2 or 4 implants)
€ 2000.00
Cerec test cap or frame / unit
€ 68.00
Cerec in Lab / in-Ceram crown unit
€ 700.00
Zirconium crown on the implant
€ 900.00
Full oral hygiene for children under 18 years. with braces
€ 80.00
Surface anesthesia during hygiene
€ 5.00
Hygienist consultation
€ 5.00
Tooth treatment with ICON (for one tooth)
€ 84.00
Tartar removal with ultrasound for 1 tooth
€ 10.00
Hygiene training
€ 15.00
Home teeth whitening instructions and whitening agent (one syringe)
€ 65.00
Tartar removal with ultrasound device for one jaw
€ 45.00
Full oral cavity hygiene for children (0-10 years)
€ 55.00
Tartar removal with ultrasound device for one tooth
€ 10.00
Full oral cavity hygiene for children (10-18 years)
€ 50.00
Undergum tartar removal for 6 teeth
€ 30.00
Dental jewelry (excluding the jewelry itself)
€ 35.00
Tooth polishing for both jaws
€ 50.00
Undergum tartar removal for one jaw
€ 45.00
Full oral hygiene for patients with braces
€ 105.00
Application of sealant to 1 tooth (for a child under 16 years of age)
€ 20.00
Oral cavity hygiene
€ 90.00
Plaque painting
€ 13.00
Applying fluoride-containing material to 1 tooth
€ 10.00
Medical treatment of the oral mucosa
€ 32.00
Removal of smoking or hard plaque for one tooth
€ 13.00
Fluoride gel application for 1 jaw (cap)
€ 17.00
Medicine application to gum pocket for one tooth
€ 9.00
Partial plate (DEFLEX) 3 teeth and more
€ 550.00
Single tooth plate (DEFLEX) 1-3 teeth
€ 400.00
Removable acrylic prosthesis for two implants (implant price is not included in the cost of the prosthesis)
€ 1100.00
Removable acrylic prosthesis for four implants (implant price is not included in the cost of the prosthesis)
€ 2200.00
Temporary plastic crown 2-12 units (made in the clinic)
€ 120.00
Temporary Merylinda Bridge
€ 95.00
Abutment removal (every 30 minutes)
€ 60.00
Removal of plastic or stamped crown
€ 50.00
Acrylic single tooth plate
€ 300.00
Night cape / soft
€ 135.00
Removal of cermet or Cerec crown
€ 70.00
Recalculation of total prosthesis
€ 170.00
Plastic temporary crown (made on site in the clinic)
€ 75.00
Repositioning of the partial prosthesis
€ 170.00
Plastic temporary crown (designed in the laboratory)
€ 220.00
Prosthesis repair / tooth attachment to the prosthesis
€ 130.00
Re-cementing the crown
€ 50.00
Bleaching caps for both jaws
€ 225.00
Acrylic total prostheses
€ 700.00
Implant positioning grave with Ba teeth
€ 300.00
Acrylic partial prosthesis
€ 450.00
Bite guard for athletes
€ 150.00
Acrylic temporary prosthesis
€ 430.00
Night tomb / solid, two-layer
€ 150.00
Crown with milling
€ 500.00
Maryland Bridge (composite coated)
€ 400.00
The primary and secondary unit of the telescope is porcelain
€ 900.00
Cermet crown / bridge unit
€ 450.00
Ceramic grade
€ 50.00
Ceramic gum mask crown unit
€ 100.00
Metal used crown / bridge unit
€ 300.00
Richmond cermet crown
€ 500.00
Cermet crown on the implant
€ 800.00
Maryland Bridge (ceramic coated)
€ 600.00
Devital tooth internal whitening
€ 70.00
Preservation of tooth pulp vitality (Biodentine application)
€ 70.00
Temporary filling (IRM)
€ 70.00
Temporary filling (Cavity)
€ 40.00
Anesthesia, carious mass removal and cavity closure
€ 90.00
Dental materials
€ 0.00
Temporary filling
€ 0.00
Sensitive tooth neck coating
€ 13.00
Molar, 3 surfaces and more
€ 120.00
Tooth edge grinding, seal polishing (for one tooth)
€ 25.00
Restoration of tooth wear or damaged filling
€ 75.00
Inserting the fiberglass pin
€ 75.00
Inserting the metal pin
€ 45.00
Closing erosion 1-6 teeth
€ 145.00
Molar, tooth crown restoration after endodontic treatment
€ 250.00
Molar, 1 surface
€ 100.00
Molar, 2 surfaces
€ 110.00
Premolar, 1 surface
€ 110.00
Incisive, 2 surfaces
€ 130.00
Premolar, 2 surfaces
€ 125.00
Incisive, 3 surfaces and more
€ 150.00
Premolar, 3 surfaces and more
€ 135.00
Incisive, corner formation
€ 150.00
Molar, 1 surface
€ 115.00
Molar, 2 surfaces
€ 130.00
Incisive, 1 surface
€ 100.00
Removal of silver amalgam
€ 15.00
Premolar, clinical crown restoration
€ 250.00
Dental crown restoration after endodontic treatment
€ 170.00
Incisive, dental crown restoration after endodontic treatment
€ 250.00
Incisive, vestibular surface coating
€ 250.00
Combined root inlay
€ 300.00
Zirconium root inlay
€ 400.00
Insertion of fiberglass pin, stem formation
€ 160.00
Metal composite dental crown
€ 300.00
Root inlay, indirect method
€ 220.00
Root inlay, direct method
€ 200.00
Additional channel processing
€ 50.00
Re-insertion of root canal medication (as a single job, additional session)
€ 80.00
Determining the working length with an apexlocator for a two-channel tooth
€ 18.00
Root canal filling with calcium hydroxide for multi-canal tooth (each canal)
€ 21.00
Initial visit to endodontic treatment of single root tooth
€ 130.00
Endodontic treatment of three root tooth during one visit
€ 380.00
Determining the working length with an apexlocator for a three-channel tooth
€ 18.00
Removal of canal filling for one canal, if filled with paste or gutta percha
€ 50.00
Second visit to endodontic treatment of single root tooth
€ 130.00
Placement of cofferdam
€ 25.00
Machining of channels for single root tooth
€ 43.00
Removal of canal filling for one canal, if filled with cement
€ 60.00
Endodontic treatment of a single root tooth during one visit
€ 180.00
Machining of canals for a multi-rooted tooth (for each canal)
€ 38.00
Removal of the canal screw or inley from the root canal
€ 80.00
Initialvisit to the endodontic treatment of a double root tooth
€ 150.00
Root canal filling with gutta percha (for a single canal tooth)
€ 38.00
Working with a microscope
€ 58.00
Second visit to the endodontic treatment of a double root tooth
€ 150.00
Root canal filling with gutta percha (for a multi-canal tooth, each canal)
€ 31.00
Vitrebond lining for canals
€ 30.00
Endodontic treatment of a double root tooth during one visit
€ 270.00
Root canal filling with gutta percha Guttaflow (each canal)
€ 45.00
Internal teeth whitening (anesthesia, cofferdam, napborate application and temporary cavity closure)
€ 80.00
Initial visit to endodontic treatment of three root tooth
€ 200.00
Determining the working length with an apexlocator for a single-channel tooth
€ 15.00
Root canal filling with calcium hydroxide for single canal tooth
€ 28.00
First aid in endodontics (pulp amputation)
€ 80.00
Second visit to endodontic treatment of three root tooth
€ 200.00

Clarification of the vitreous body - vitreolysis - one eye
€ 245.00
Clarification of the vitreous body - vitreolysis - both eyes
€ 490.00
Secondary cataract cleansing (after cataract surgery) - one eye
€ 110.00
 Secondary cataract cleansing (after cataract surgery) - both eyes
€ 210.00
Laser trabeculoplasty (pressure drop at open-angle glaucoma) - one eye
€ 180.00
Laser trabeculoplasty (pressure drop at open-angle glaucoma) - both eyes
€ 350.00
Photographing the bottom of the eye with a fundus camera - two eyes
€ 80.00
Photographing the bottom of the eye with a fundus camera - one eye
€ 40.00
Laser coagulation - one eye (strengthening the retina)
€ 130.00
Laser coagulation - both eyes (strengthening the retina)
€ 250.00
Retinal coagulation in diabetes and retinal vascular diseases
€ 120.00
Color vision test by Velhagen
€ 6.00
Removal of a foreign object from the eye
€ 10.00
Ophthalmologist examination to receive a medical certificate for an educational institution
€ 15.00
Evaluation of color vision
€ 5.00
Quantitative and qualitative examination of eye movement disorders and strabismus
€ 20.00
Tonometry (both eyes), evaluation of results in correlation with pachymetry data
€ 15.00
Optical coherent tomography (OCT) of both eyes
€ 65.00
Removal of a foreign body from the cornea
€ 15.00
Fields of vision (perimetry)
€ 20.00
Rust ring removal from the cornea
€ 17.00
Removal of a foreign body from the conjunctiva
€ 17.00
Initial consultation with an ophthalmologist (autorefractokeratometry of both eyes, tonometry with pachymetry, subjective refraction to determine the best corrected visual acuity,biomicroscopy. Evaluation of color vision, gonioscopy as needed.)
€ 60.00
Epilation of incorrectly growing lashes
€ 8.00
Repeated consultation with an ophthalmologist
€ 50.00
Adjusting glasses and writing a prescription
€ 15.00

Initial consultation with a gynecologist + ultrasound (patients under 18 years of age)
€ 60.00
Initial consultation with a gynecologist
€ 53.00
Repeated consultation with a gynecologist
€ 40.00
Repeated consultation by a gynecologist for pregnant women
€ 40.00
€ 53.00
Gynecological procedure
€ 11.00
Addittional payment for use of a disposable material
€ 3.00
€ 21.00
Removal of aspirates from uterine cavity
€ 32.00
Polyp removal
€ 85.00
Placement of intrauterine device
€ 55.00
Removal of intrauterine device
€ 30.00
Procedure with Gynofort
€ 17.00
Procedure with Instillegel
€ 14.00
Pregnancy test
€ 7.00
Female pelvic organ sonography with endocavicular probe (vaginal)
€ 49.00
Sonography of female pelvic organs
€ 48.00
Ultrasound examination in obstetrics
€ 45.00
Mammary gland sonography
€ 79.00
Material sampling for bacteriological examinations, inoculations
€ 11.00
Material sampling for gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia of the genitals or throat mucosa
€ 11.00

Medical Commission for Seafarers
€ 115.00
Seafarers' Medical Commission (for catering workers)
€ 125.00
Drug test
€ 32.00
Physician's conclusion for seafarers' certificates of other countries
€ 22.00

Sling therapy - subscription 5 times (with fixed session times of 30 minutes)
€ 105.00
Sling therapy - one time (60 min)
€ 40.00
Sling therapy - subscription 5 times (with fixed session times of 60 minutes)
€ 155.00
Sling therapy - one time (45 min)
€ 35.00
Sling therapy - one time (30 min)
€ 30.00
Shock wave therapy
€ 30.00
Development of a physiotherapist's exercise plan
€ 15.00
Ultrasound therapy (without medication) for 1 zone
€ 15.00
Phonophoresis (ultrasound therapy with medication)
€ 12.00
Physiotherapy session individually (30 ')
€ 27.00
Physiotherapy session individually (40 ')
€ 32.00
Physiotherapy session individually (60 ')
€ 37.00
Therapeutic gymnastics individually
€ 25.00
Head massage (30)
€ 25.00
General body massage (80 min.)
€ 60.00
Lymphatic drainage for feet (manual)
€ 35.00
Lymphatic drainage for the face
€ 15.00
Lymphatic drainage for hands
€ 20.00
Back massage (30 ')
€ 30.00
Initial consultation with a physiotherapist (30) ’
€ 38.00
Repeated consultation of a physiotherapist (20) ’
€ 30.00
Consultation of a physiotherapist with the development of an individual exercise complex (60) '
€ 44.00
Medical taping (20-30 min.)
€ 16.00
Medical taping (30-40 min.)
€ 23.00
Chest massage (diaphragm massage) - 30 min.
€ 25.00
One leg massage 15 minutes
€ 20.00
Both leg massage 30 minutes
€ 30.00
Single joint massage (15)
€ 20.00

Abdominal organs + uropoietic USG with residual urine detection – 30 min.
€ 100.00
Uropoietic system USG – 20 min.
€ 50.00
USG of superficial tissues, salivary glands, lymph nodes – 20 min.
€ 55.00
Testicular USG – 20 min.
€ 55.00
Abdominal organs + Thyroid USG – 40 min.
€ 100.00
Uropoietic System USG + Testicular USG – 30 min.
€ 90.00
Transcranial duplex dopplerography with spectral analysis and color-coded duplex dopplerography with spectral analysis in adults
€ 58.00
Brachiocephalic duplex scanning with color Doppler and spectral analysis in adults
€ 59.00
Breast sonography
€ 79.00
Kidney, urinary, prostate ultrasound
€ 45.00
Abdominal ultrasonography (excluding pelvic organs)
€ 56.00
Thyroid ultrasound
€ 58.00
Abdominal and retroperitoneal ultrasonography (including kidney, pelvic organs, dynamic bladder evaluation)
€ 73.00

Shoulder girdle or hip joint in two projections
€ 26.00
Pelvic review company
€ 26.00
Parts of the spine, in at least two projections (neck, thorax, lumbar, sacrum)
€ 26.00
The limb (upper / lower) and its part in two projections
€ 26.00
Spine image in one projection
€ 15.00
Skull in two projections
€ 27.00
The sternum or part of the sternum in two projections
€ 26.00
Abdominal review company
€ 17.00
Chest X-ray
€ 19.00
Chest X-ray (2 projections)
€ 30.00
Paranasal sinus radiography
€ 18.00
Spinal X-ray (for 1 part)
€ 19.00
Spinal X-ray (for 1 part, 2 projections)
€ 21.00
X-ray of limbs and their parts in one projection
€ 19.00

Initial consultation with an immunologist
€ 65.00
Repeated consultation with an immunologist
€ 54.00

Initial consultation with a general practitioner
€ 52.00
Repeated consultation with a general practitioner
€ 43.00
Conclusion by an occupational physician
€ 48.00

Initial consultation with a neurologist
€ 65.00
Repeated consultation with a neurologist
€ 54.00

Psychiatrist's initial consultation - 45 min
€ 75.00
Prescription writing (psychiatrist)
€ 17.00
Repeated consultation of a psychiatrist - 30 min
€ 65.00
Psychiatrist's extended consultation - 60 min
€ 90.00

Initial consultation with a plastic surgeon
€ 50.00
Repeated consultation with a plastic surgeon
€ 35.00
Apply now!