Jekaterina Safronova

Jekaterina Safronova

Radiologist, Ultrasonography specialist
Latvian, Russian, English

Performs ultrasound examinations of the abdominal cavity, urinary tract, prostate (transabdominal), testicles, thyroid gland, salivary glands, lymph nodes, and superficial tissues.

Accepts patients from the age of 15.

Provides both insurance-covered and fee-based services.

  • Member of the Latvian Association of Radiologists
  • Member of the European Society of Radiology
  • Member of the Latvian Association of Ultrasonographers
  • Since 2024 – Radiologist at “Diplomatic Service Medical Center,” part of the “Health Center 4” group
  • 2019-2024 – Residency in Radiology at Riga Stradins University, based at Riga East University Hospital (REUH)
  • 2019 – Graduated from Riga Stradins University with a degree in Medicine


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